Poem: A Way To Die?


A Way To Die?

I was just touching him, caring for him

He was a kindly old soul

I found joy in comforting him

His unseeing eyes said thank you

His unhearing ears heard my concern.

His spirit left before his heart stopped

The alarms sounded, they came running – The Great Saviors.

I held his hand, his body shook –

They pounded his chest, they forced air in.

“They” did this – the Intruders.

At 91, who should force his stay?

How dare they slow his natural way.

He needs to go, I let him go.

I tell him so aloud!

They are aghast at my candor.

I touch his face,

A wrinkled, now unfeeling face

This touch is for me

I’m glad to have been with him,

That he was not alone.

Class: Writing From the Inside

November 3, 1990

Published:  The American Poetry Annual

Patricia J. Anderson, “A Way To Die?,”  In The American Poetry Annual. The Amherst Society: USA. p. 30. (1991).

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I've been a psychotherapist for over 20 years. I specialize in sexual abuse and other types of physical and emotional trauma. I've been inspired by the growth and courage I've witnessed in my clients. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to do this work in the world. I'm now doing video counseling for those who reside in Illinois.