Freedom at Last: Healing the Shame of Childhood Sexual Abuse 

By Beverly Engel, LMFT.  (2022) 

From “Childhood sexual abuse (or child sexual abuse/CSA) is not only an assault on the body—it is an assault on the mind and on the spirit. It is an insult to the victim’s integrity, her self-esteem, his very being. Besides imposing a significantly higher risk of conditions like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, suicidality, substance abuse, and learning & educational difficulties, the most devastating consequence of childhood sexual abuse is shame. Freedom at Last will help victims of this form of abuse recover from all aspects of this extreme shame and its damaging after-effects.

Not only does shame from CSA cause a multitude of problems, but this very same shame stands in the way of a victim’s ability to recover and heal. Victims often struggle with shame’s correlation with dissociation, difficulty forming relationships, emotional barriers to disclosing abuse and seeking help, and a lasting negative effect on victim’s sense of self.

In this groundbreaking book, leading psychologist Dr. Beverly Engel reveals the truth about how CSA affects victims, dispels common myths surrounding this type of abuse, explains the nuances behind the emotion of shame, and teaches readers how to develop more self-awareness about how shame has manifested in their lives along with powerful and effective shame-reduction strategies.

Freedom at Last offers effective strategies for not only healing the negative effects of abuse-related shame, but also to help overcome the shame that keeps survivors from seeking help. Using the most recent research along with her 35-year career working with victims of child sexual abuse, Dr. Engel provides a blueprint for readers and their loved ones to overcome the debilitating effects of shame, including strategies for emotional release, encouragement to free themselves from their secrets, teaching self-forgiveness, eliminating shame-causing behaviors, and removing shame from unhealthy behaviors and attitudes.”

From Pain to Power: Overcoming Sexual Trauma and Reclaiming Your True Identity

From Pain to Power: Overcoming Sexual Trauma and Reclaiming Your True Identity by [Mary Ellen Mann]

By Mary Ellen Mann, LCSW, MS. (2015)

From “Sexual violation was not your choice, but recovery is.

As a survivor of sexual trauma, you’ve likely experienced feelings of shame and confusion, and weakening of your faith and trust. It may feel like no one understands. And each day you’re simply trying to survive. 
But the reality is you are meant for much more than survival. You are born with the right to use the pain as a point of power and reclaim what was taken without permission—your true identity. 

Author Mary Ellen Mann understands. She’s been there. In From Pain to Power, she weaves personal story and years of research and counseling experience to provide comfort and respect, biblical insight, guided imagery, and self-care strategies. She will help you:
·         Regain your power, safety, and sense of self
·         Go to battle as a “Princess Warrior”
·         Learn to trust your gut instinct again
·         Protect yourself from further assault
·         Reconcile your faith in God, who understands your doubt and anger
Mary Ellen Mann stands in your corner as you restore and honor your rightful femininity, find your voice of reason, and choose to live a legacy-filled life.
Includes tips and resources for spouses, parents, ministry leaders, and advocates who want to help survivors of sexual assault.”

From Pain to Power: Overcoming Sexual Trauma and Reclaiming Your True Identity

By Mary Ellen Mann, LCSW, MS. (2015)

From “Sexual violation was not your choice, but recovery is.

As a survivor of sexual trauma, you’ve likely experienced feelings of shame and confusion, and weakening of your faith and trust. It may feel like no one understands. And each day you’re simply trying to survive. 

But the reality is you are meant for much more than survival. You are born with the right to use the pain as a point of power and reclaim what was taken without permission—your true identity. 

Author Mary Ellen Mann understands. She’s been there. In From Pain to Power, she weaves personal story and years of research and counseling experience to provide comfort and respect, biblical insight, guided imagery, and self-care strategies. She will help you:

·         Regain your power, safety, and sense of self
·         Go to battle as a “Princess Warrior”
·         Learn to trust your gut instinct again
·         Protect yourself from further assault
·         Reconcile your faith in God, who understands your doubt and anger

Mary Ellen Mann stands in your corner as you restore and honor your rightful femininity, find your voice of reason, and choose to live a legacy-filled life.

Includes tips and resources for spouses, parents, ministry leaders, and advocates who want to help survivors of sexual assault.”

Wendy Maltz – Relearning Touch

InterVision Media

Published August 21, 2015

Sexual abuse causes serious problems in sexual relating for both survivors and their intimate partners. Many couples are choosing to address these concerns with the help of Relearning Touch exercises. These new techniques offer many opportunities to experience intimate touch that is safe and pleasurable. The 45-minute video demonstrates these unique exercise and will help couples develop an active process for improving communication, deepening emotional intimacy and increasing physical sharing. Wendy Maltz, M.S.W. is a nationally acclaimed authority on sexual abuse and sexuality. Wendy is a licensed clinical social worker, licensed marriage counselor and certified sex therapist in private practice in Eugene, Oregon. Wendy has over 20 years of clinical experience in sex therapy and incest treatment. Public speaker and clinical trainer, author of “The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse” (Harper Perennial, 1992) and co-author of “Incest and Sexuality” (Lexington, 1987), Wendy has been lauded for her refreshing, genuine presentation style.



Wendy Maltz – Partners In Healing

InterVision Media

Published August 21, 2015

The program is presented by Wendy Maltz, M.S.W., a licensed marriage counselor, certified sex therapist, author of the book “The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse” (Harper Collins, 1991) and co-author of “Incest and Sexuality: A Guide to Understanding and Healing” (Lexington Books, 1987). This video is produced and distributed by InterVision Media, an award winning producer of health education materials. “Partners in Healing” breaks new ground as it explores the dynamics of couples in various stages of therapy, working together to heal the emotional scars of incest. “Partners in Healing” can help incest survivors and their therapists learn: -How incest affects sexuality -How partners can both be included in and involved in treatment as a couple -How both partners are affected by the intimacy problems that result form incest -How they can work together to become true partners in healing

