What Borderlines and Narcissists Fear Most: Part B

What Borderlines and Narcissists Fear Most: Part B

Borderlines fear abandonment; narcissists fear loss of supply

Post published by Randi Kreger, October 21, 2011 in Stop Walking on Eggshells

This is part 4B of my series on the similarities and differences between borderline and narcissistic disorders. You can find part 1 here,  part 2 here,  part 3 here, and part 4A here.


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I've been a psychotherapist for over 20 years. I specialize in sexual abuse and other types of physical and emotional trauma. I've been inspired by the growth and courage I've witnessed in my clients. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to do this work in the world. I'm now doing video counseling for those who reside in Illinois.