Monster Telling Dear Mr. Bush


De Paul University

Writing from the Inside

Teacher: Zoe Keithley 

Monster Telling Dear Mr. Bush

Dear Mr. Bush:

We all know that Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. He is not the only one who dreamed of freedom from oppression for his people. Here is a dream that I have had on numerous occasions. You see, I have dreamed that you believe in my dream and that we do find a solution together. (I have not yet dreamed the whole solution, but I will tell you about what I have dreamed so far so we can get going). Here is what my dream is all about.

The human race has come a long way. We are a highly evolved species, the most intelligent, the most advanced technologically, and the most humane. Right? Because of our intelligence and humanitarianism, our people are incapable of thinking that any one person, race, religion, or sex is any better than any other. There would be no logic in this. I’m sure you agree that there is no logical explanation for the people in Northern Ireland killing each other over religious differences. The apartheid wars in South Africa are similar; logic cannot explain these inhumanities combined with our advanced evolution. But we know they exist.

Those are international examples, here in the U.S. we have serious problems with racism and sexism. These negative attitudes hurt us all. Please don’t laugh, but I believe there is a monster who is causing this trouble in our country. He is the monster of “Isms”. He is the cause of strife between people who are too intelligent to be oppressing each other for dumb reasons like the color of one person’s skin, a religious difference or a sexual difference. I tell you this is the only thing that makes any sense. If we were to work together to eliminate this guy “Isy”, (his nickname) we could better the country and the world for us all. Let me tell you all about him.

Isy has been around since the beginning of time. Talk about historical figures – he is Mr. History. This guy has terrorized humanity like no other monster.

Let me describe him to you, (I forgot to tell you that I have seen him). Number 1 he is UGLY. He is totally totally uglyyyyyyyy……….ugly beyond words. His face and body are disfigured from the destructive nature of his work. His work will eventually destroy him, but will he destroy us first?  His face swirls around continuously so you can never really get a clear look at him. He will never let you see his eyes, but if you ever felt his eyes, as I have, you would be chilled to the core from the icy shivers you will feel at each spot that his eyes touch on your skin; each place he touches is burned ever so slightly – burned form the cold.

A wide drooling mouth with jagged fangs frames the area above his chin. His hands are larger than his chest, they are what you see first; he has no fingers but yields locking pliers at the end of his wrists (the tips of the pliers are like tweezers). His feet are not actually feet, they are more like fins that have flattened tips on the end allowing him to resist gravitational force; just before he touches the ground, he can kick his prey and just rise up out of reach.

He wears a big wide belt pulled tight at his waist which accents his large bullying chest. His thigh muscles are simply large steel rods joined together by a knee and a hip.

No one gave birth to him (it would have rotted their insides). He always was. All he needs is for a person to think an evil thought and there he has it, he can get into their neuroatomic structures. He loves to see people hate each other; he loves violence, inequality, and injustice. It causes him enormous pain in his neuroatomic structures when any tolerant or accepting thoughts are perceived from the earth. He can only be at peace when the world’s people are at each other’s throats.

Isy is the monster of all the “isms”: racism, sexism, antisemitism, etc. We all know that no human would be prejudiced; it is not logical since we are all human. No unaffected human would intentionally hurt another human. It is unthinkable that someone from the same species would try to suppress a peer – we are all peers. Because our species has the ability to reason and use logic we would certainly not inflict the pain of racism and sexism on each other; it is within our natural instincts to be good to one another and thus preserve our species. We are above thinking that someone with a different skin pigmentation would be any less human than someone who speaks a different language than us. We as humans value our differences and respect each other for our differences, we cherish our individuality. We all want freedom for all of us. I personally could not go on another day if I did not believe this. Isy then must be the problem. Isy can’t stand to see us live in harmony and share brotherly love.

We have seen Isy do his work throughout the centuries. He is the one who started the story about the caveman, the club, grabbing the woman by the hair story, you know all that macho stuff. Isy is to blame for Hitler; Hitler was actually a great, gentle guy before Isy got to him (Hitler actually got an overdose). Napoleon was a victim of Isy’s thing. Isy has a neuroatomic hookup with “some” people; once a gets to you develop a damaging prejudice that causes you to hurt others.      

Take Archie Bunker-type men, they are victims of Isy; he infiltrated their minds and made them into male chauvinist pigs. They would certainly not of their own accord chose to put women down, try to get rid of blacks, and do not hate all gays. Just ask them and they will tell you they don’t know why they hate.

If we could go back in history and talk to someone, like Hitler, just moments before the neuroatomic transfer, we would learn that they had not heard of anti-Semitism, prejudice or male supremacy.

Isy did some work on Freud too. Freud was actually a feminist; he began his work trying to show that it was women who were the models to follow for a transelevational society. He loved women; after all his mother was one. But too bad Isy came along, got to his atomic structure, and did his dirty work in having Freud pass down the ridiculous notion that women envied the penis because men (who had one) were better than them just for having hanging genitals. Freud’s great intellect would have made him laugh at that. The idea that women were “hysterical” beings actually came from Isy’s effect on neuroatomic structures within Freud. See we have been blaming Freud all these years.

An innocent group from history is the Klu Klux Klan. These men were God-like till Isy got to them. These men loved their neighbors no matter what color or religion; they were even thinking about studying Judaism with Rabbi Golden. They were initially going to start a support group for blacks so they would cleave strength from them and thus aid their struggle to become free of slavery. Isy is sometimes late in getting to a person of group because it’s a hard job destroying all the love in the world.

You see Isy (because of his neuroatomic hookups) has complete control over the minds of those he gets involved with. He distorts their attitudinal perceptions so that they are not in line with normal logic. They can’t help the changes he causes within them. Some people have a few atoms in their brains that for some unknown reason are vulnerable to Isy. If one of these people has a microsecond when they think an evil thought that’s when Isy can get in. His neuroatomic structures are fine-tuned to pick up these evil thoughts; he then goes in through their nasal cilia, (those cilia are so tiny that it makes it a bitch to get in there); he then releases a neurotransmitter gantho ray beam, goes right to the section with vulnerable atoms and performs anti-ismotomies on them. From that moment on they are either racists, antisemites, sexists, or some group that will thrive off the suppression of another group. I fear that in the long run, these groups will see to it that our intelligent world is destroyed; so…….in order to preserve our species I think it is in all of our best interests to work together to find a way to either destroy Isy or find a scientific way to stop his gaining control with the anti-ismotomies.

Once we get rid of Isy we will no longer need groups like The American Civil Liberties Union, The National Organization of Women, Amnesty International, and the United Nations could be turned into a social planning organizations to do parties all around the world.

Now, how to get rid of Isy? You might think that the easiest way would be to just not have anyone think evil thoughts, but Isy can take something as evil when it was just out of context; Hitler may have been thinking about exterminating obstacles for the Jews, not the Jews themselves. You see how awful he is? I purpose that we get our scientists together, all the neurobiologists, neuroatomic physicists, neurologists, etc (along with other disciplines), and work on that damn vulnerable area in the brain.

We know some people who are affected by Isy today: legislators who block women’s rights bills, the grand dukes of the Klu Klux Klan, and the many Archie Bunker-type males who think they are better than almost any other groups. Let’s invite them to a special conference and secretly obtain specimens of their neuroatomic structures so we can study them. We can also take samples from good people like Mother Teresa, yourself, and the Pope. Comparative analysis will be of interest to further our studies. Our ends surely justify our sneaky means – we will not be hurting any of these people – right? They surely have neuroatomic structures to spare. Imagine a world without “isms”?

I will write you again when I dream more. I hope to find the total solution before Isy causes us to destroy each other.


Pat, the Dreamer

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I've been a psychotherapist for over 20 years. I specialize in sexual abuse and other types of physical and emotional trauma. I've been inspired by the growth and courage I've witnessed in my clients. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to do this work in the world. I'm now doing video counseling for those who reside in Illinois.

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